The Right Keywords Drive the Right Business
Ultimately keyword research for search marketing is very similar to keyword research for natural or organic search optimization. The main difference is the infinite flexibility and ease with which results can be achieved via paid search marketing. This subtle different requires a new research strategy.
When implementing a search engine optimization campaign, often the best targets are those words or phrases with the highest volume that are the most targeted and most easily achieved. Search Marketing affords us some different opportunities. Pay-per-click marketing can be targeted at tremendously specific keyword phrases. These are often less expensive than higher volume, less targeted phrases and even more often yield much higher returns on your initial investment.
Additionally, keyword research is also dependant on any search engine optimization campaigns that are going on in tandem. There are two main strategies when intertwining natural and pay-per-click campaigns: Plugging the Gaps and Reinforcing the Brand. We subscribe to both schools of thought and are happy to discuss which is right for you.
Contact us today to discuss your projects and goals.